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The Netherlands_149.JPG
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from $1,450.00

APRIL 17-24, 2024 • $6400

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APRIL 17-24, 2024

Tulips, windmills, and iconic Dutch wooden clogs have become synonymous with this captivating land. Yet, beyond these well-known symbols, lie hidden treasures that we invite you to capture through the lens. Join us on a photographic expedition led by Mirjam Evers, a Dutch native, professional photographer, and co-founder of PQA. Mirjam's unique perspective grants us access to those 'off the beaten path' locations that only a true Dutch native can reveal. Our meticulously crafted itinerary is tailored to unveil the essence of Holland at the height of the flower season. As we explore the picturesque landscapes of North and South Holland, we've carefully arranged visits to locations bathed in radiant colors and dramatic light. These opportunities are unlike any other and are reserved for our esteemed photographers, making it the perfect Quest to embark on with your spouse. Don't miss this extraordinary journey!

For a complete overview of this Quest, visit:  The Netherlands